Disease Diary Notion Template
Use this Notion template to keep track of your child's symptoms and treatments, if you like having all the info at hand.
Great info for you and your doctor
The template can help you to better understand the condition and the treatments available. By keeping a disease diary, you can better monitor your kid's health and make sure you are taking the necessary steps to reduce symptoms. Use a full-text search for every piece of information you enter. The diary also automatically counts how many days have passed since the last disease or illness.
With the possibility to attach images, audio, and other files next to symptoms, the diary can also help your doctor better diagnose and treat your child's condition. Attach:
- Photos of eyes (e.g. for adenoviral ocular infections)
- Audio of coughing (e.g. barking coughing)
- PDFs of your kid's lab tests.
The diary has a special view for antibiotics taken in the past 12 months, as they should not be taken more than once or twice a year, except in cases of severe infection. The diary keeps track of this too.
Calendar view
With a calendar view of all the diseases, you get access to the bigger picture of your child's medical records.
PI warning signs
If illnesses are frequent and serious, the diary includes a checklist with 10 Warning signs of primary immunodeficiency for you to consult for further guidance.
You'll get a disease diary Notion template to keep all the info you need at hand.